Growman: IG Email Extractor

Growman: IG Email Extractor Neueste

4.23 Soziales und Kommunikation 40,000+Benutzer V2.1.0Version 2023年6月21日
Crx-Format herunterladen
Benennen Sie die heruntergeladene **.crx-Datei in **.zip um. Entpacken Sie **.zip in einen Ordner. Gehen Sie zur Chrome-Erweiterungsverwaltungsseite (geben Sie die Adresse chrome://extensions/ in die Adressleiste des Chrome-Browsers ein). Aktivieren Sie den Entwicklermodus und wählen Sie 'Entpackte Erweiterung laden'. Wählen Sie den Ordner aus Schritt 2 aus.
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Growman: IG Email Extractor 1
Growman: IG Email Extractor 2


Growman enables you to extract Emails from IG based on followers/followings, locations, and hashtags.

👋 Hi there! Looking to boost your business leads on Instagram? Look no further than Growman, the easy-to-use Instagram email scraper! With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly extract public email addresses from Instagram and save them to Excel xlsx files.

🚀 Here are some of our amazing features: Extract followers and following from any public Instagram profile. Extract based on hashtags or locations. Extract profile data such as Emails, biography, follower count, following count, phone, address, and more! Save your data in Xlsx format for easy access.

🛡️ Worried about security? Don't be! Growman does not ask for your Instagram password and does not store or transmit your data, including IG user information, visit history, posts, and social relationships.

🔒 However, please note that there is a certain risk that your account may be deactivated or blocked by Instagram when using the extension. We recommend controlling the frequency of your usage and using Growman at your own risk.

💬 Have questions or need support? Contact us at

💰 Growman is a paid extension, but we also offer a free version that allows you to export the first 500 profiles from each extraction. Ready to take your Instagram business leads to the next level? Install Growman now!


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