
Before using the products and services provided by this website, please read the following terms of use carefully. By accessing, browsing or using the products and services provided by this website, you indicate that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all these terms or mentioned terms, and comply with relevant laws and regulations. If you do not accept these terms, please do not continue to use them.

1.You agree that the company has the right to unilaterally change this agreement and corresponding service rules, service content, product descriptions, product functions, etc. at any time, and announce them through one or more ways such as message push, webpage announcement, SMS group sending, etc., without the need to separately notify you. Such changes or adjustments shall not be regarded as a violation of this agreement by the company. If you continue to use this service after the content of this agreement is changed, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the modified agreement content, and will use this service in accordance with the modified agreement content. If you do not agree with the modified agreement content, you should immediately stop using this service.

2.You acknowledge that this agreement is subject to the current and updated laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. The service content and requirements provided by the company are not excluded by the laws of your country or region. If there is a conflict between this agreement and the laws and regulations of your country or region, both parties agree that the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China shall be the only basis for the agreement.

3.You declare that when you agree to accept this agreement and use the services provided by this website, you have full civil capacity and civil behavior ability as stipulated by law, and can independently bear civil liability as a natural person, legal person or other organization, or have obtained sufficient authorization. If you do not have the above conditions, you should immediately terminate the registration or stop using this service.

4.You promise that for the use of relevant products and services under this agreement, in addition to complying with the relevant laws and regulations, you should also meet the requirements of social public morality and not harm the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If you encounter third-party claims or rights assertions due to this, you should bear all responsibilities and ensure that the company and its related shareholders, directors, board members, and management members at all levels are not implicated or bear any responsibility. The company does not assume any associated compensation or make any promises for any third-party losses.

Account Security

As this website does not provide the function of creating and logging in to accounts, you will be fully responsible for the account password you log in to and all operations performed during the use of the products and services downloaded from this website.

Rules for Using Internet Platform Services

In order to effectively protect your legitimate rights and interests in using this service, you understand and agree to accept the following rules:

1.By using this service, you indicate that you agree to accept the relevant rules of this service. You understand and agree that the company has the right to unilaterally modify the relevant rules of the service without your consent. The service rules shall be subject to the page prompts (including but not limited to SMS group sending, telephone notification, website announcement, etc.) when you use the service. Your agreement and compliance with the service rules are the premise of your use of this service.

2.The company may notify you of the progress of the service and prompt you to take the next step of operation by email (including but not limited to SMS group sending, telephone notification, website announcement, etc.), but the company does not guarantee that you can receive or receive the email (including but not limited to SMS group sending, telephone notification, website announcement) in a timely manner, and shall not bear any consequences for this. Therefore, during the service process, you should log in to this website in a timely manner to check and carry out transaction operations. The company shall not bear any responsibility for any disputes or losses caused by your failure to check and modify the service status in a timely manner or submit relevant applications.

3.When you use this service, the company has the right to charge you service fees according to the corresponding service fee list, order and/or relevant agreements. The company has the right to formulate and adjust the service fees. The specific service fees shall be subject to the charging method listed on the platform website page when you use this service, or the other written agreement reached between you and the company.

Your Rights and Obligations

1.You have the right to enjoy the Internet technology and information services provided by this website, and have the right to obtain technical support, consultation and other services from the company when accepting the services provided by this website. The service content and price information of the service products are detailed in the platform website introduction.

2.You undertake that you have all the qualifications required by laws and regulations to perform this contract, and you shall bear all legal liabilities and adverse consequences due to your lack of corresponding qualifications. At the same time, the company has the right to suspend or terminate the service provided to you.

3.You understand that you should record the relevant information of Internet users in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Information Network Transmission Right Protection Regulations and the Administrative Measures for Internet Copyright Protection, and the record backup should be saved for 90 days in accordance with the law, and provided when queried by state organs in accordance with the law.

4.You should respect the intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights of the company and other third parties, and ensure that the company and its shareholders, employees, partners, etc. are not affected or damaged by any illegal events that infringe on the above rights. The company reserves the right to terminate the service provided to you and not refund any amount if you infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the company. If your illegal or infringing behavior causes losses to the company or other customers of the company, you shall bear all responsibilities.

5.You confirm that the contact information provided to the company is correct. If any consequences arise due to incorrect contact information or poor security and stability of the email address you use to receive emails from the company, you shall bear the responsibility, including but not limited to the consequences and losses caused by your failure to receive relevant notifications from the company in a timely manner.

6.You agree to use the service fee billing and data query system provided by the company. Your doubts about billing and data should not be the reason for you to stop or suspend your performance or payment obligations. You should pay the service fees on time and have the right to obtain service fee invoices from the company. All descriptions of various fees, amounts, prices, taxes, etc. in this contract do not include value-added tax or other taxes outside the price. If the company is required to change from business tax to value-added tax payer according to the policy of 'business tax to value-added tax' of the country, the relevant value-added tax or other taxes outside the price shall be calculated separately and paid by you separately; before the company completes the 'business tax to value-added tax' change, the service fee invoice shall be issued to you according to the current tax system.

7.You have the right to inquire about the products, services, prices, etc. related to this agreement.