XOR extension

XOR extension Le plus récent

5 Efficacité 200Utilisateur V1.7.10Version 2023年10月16日
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XOR extension 1
XOR extension 2
XOR extension 3
XOR extension 4

Description du logiciel

The XOR Extension helps recruiters communicate with candidates from their ATS, job boards, or LinkedIn.

The XOR Extension lets you recruit more efficiently by sending text and WhatsApp messages to candidates from any ATS, job board or website. Add candidates in bulk, create new campaigns, and schedule messages to increase response rates and shorten time-to-hire.

XOR is a modern communication platform that helps recruiting teams hire the best people more efficiently. We do it by equipping you with the tools to communicate over text messaging, WhatsApp, live chat, phone calls, and video to drive more engagement and use AI-powered chatbots to automate repetitive tasks like screening, scheduling, re-engagement, onboarding, and rehiring. Thousands of recruiters at Fortune 500 employers like IKEA, McDonald's, Mars, Exxon Mobil, and Manpower Group trust XOR to hire 33% faster, 50% more efficiently, and delight candidates with 90+ net promoter score.

✔️ Recruit and engage faster by sending personalized SMS, WhatsApp, and email campaigns to candidates and employees, and replying to incoming messages instantly.

✔️ Spend more time with your best candidates by automating candidate screening, scoring, and qualification using an AI-powered chatbot

✔️ Save time by automating advanced scheduling workflows with our AI-powered chatbot, which can check the calendars of multiple people within an organization for open time slots. This advanced scheduling workflow is available for Microsoft Outlook, Exchange, and Google Calendar, and can create events using a Zoom integration.

✔️ Increase conversions on your careers sites, job board postings, and job advertisements by embedding our live chat widget, engaging prospects conversationally, and automating workflows with our AI-chatbot.

✔️ Get more applicants by enabling candidates to apply over text message and QR codes, and automating responses using our AI-powered chatbot

✔️ Simplify communication by adding candidates to XOR in bulk and send messages to candidates right from your ATS using our browser extension

✔️ Quickly build new campaigns by organizing candidates using tags, and then filtering to create the right candidate lists.

✔️ Create more interest from prospects by hosting virtual career fairs, which are scheduled online events where you can chat with prospective employees. In addition to the chat space where conversations take place, you can create registration forms, landing pages, and career fair maps to direct candidates and engage visiting prospects over live chat, recorded video, or video conferencing.

✔️ See what’s working and what’s not when it comes to candidate communication by quickly building reports that show how many candidates have been messaged, qualified, and scheduled, and what communication apps were most effective in reaching them.

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